Thursday, December 13, 2018

Roof Replacement Basics

roof-replacement-300x199.jpgRoof replacement and roof installations are as important as it gets. Although getting a new roof is not all that fun, you will understand its value in a big way if your old roof fails, letting water wreak havoc inside your home from the attic and down to your newly renovated kitchen and even into your basement family room. You should never take roof replacement lightly and you must not delay any roof repair. If you think your roof is nearly at the end of its lifespan, here are a few things you need to know before you start obtaining bids from roofing contractors. Basic Roofing Materials Your selection of roofing materials will depend on your locality and your personal taste. For instance, in some areas, a metal roof is more common because of its fire resistance while other locations use asphalt shingles more. Your roof pitch will also affect the roofing materials you can use. When it comes to residential roofing, the most common choices are asphalt composition shingles, wood shakes or shingles, metal roofing, slate roofing, composition slate, and ceramic or clay tile. Tear Of or Add Second Layer? Before, it was common to add a new shingle roof over an existing layer at least once. But today, this practice is no longer allowed in certain areas, where tearing off the previous roof is required. Even in places where layering is permitted, applying a new layer of shingles on top of an old one should be carefully considered. Laying more layers means the materials can get too heavy for the roof framing that lies underneath, which can lead to structural issues especially for older homes. Another problem with shingling over existing shingles is that you are keeping existing surface irregularities. If you are thinking of putting a new roof, it is most likely that you need to rectify existing flaws or problems in your roof. One benefit of layering is that taking out the existing layer and adding a new means more work. However, this won’t be a problem if roofing contractors are taking care of the job. Cost Considerations A lot of factors affect the cost of your North Myrtle Beach roof replacement. These include your choice of roofing materials, the roofing contractor you hire, the steepness of your roof, and the roof’s square footage. Consider Off Season Work In most areas in the U.S., the best roofing season starts from late spring to early fall. However, some roofing contractors can extend their work season even snow flurries are threatening. In other words, there is no reason why you should not hire a skilled crew to do your roof replacement during off-season. You might even enjoy lower prices during these times because of minimal labor demand.

Call NMB Roofing Pros if you are thinking of having your roof replaced or if you need to have it repaired or maintained.

NMB Roofing Pros North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 843-491-6382

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